Life Update – Where I’ve Been This Summer

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Ok so it might be an understatement if I said I disappeared from the blog this summer. As we all know, life has been weird for a while now and I was in desperate need of something that would get me out of the house and allow me to interact with people face to face, not behind a screen. If you’ve been around since my shop days, you know how much I loved photographing flowers and to be honest it was my favorite part of having a shop – spending hours getting those perfect photos that just WOWED everybody.

When I decided to close my shop, I took my friend Katie Lamb’s “Diversifiying Your Income” course and it helped me get my start here with the blog. But she preached multiple streams of income and once I closed my shop, I only had the blog. So…..I took the plunge with my secret love of photography and started photographing families here in my area. We have a ton of photographers here (as does everywhere) but no family photographers in my immediate area with a light and airy style. I’ve been searching for one since I had Jase and I knew if I was looking for one, there probably were other mamas wishing the same thing existed. So I just did it myself!

And I’ve LOVEDDDD it. My business took off very quickly thanks to Katie’s “Mastering the Light and Airy Style” course that I took in the spring in preparation for starting all this. I’ve secretly loved photography for 15+ years but always felt too nervous about all the details of doing it as a business to ever attempt it. Thanks to her course where she covered everything from the client experience to locations, to lighting, to posing, and editing, I finally felt confident enough to chase this dream as a business.

I guess the saying is right that it’s never too late to chase a dream. So that’s where I was this summer and fall – chasing light in flower fields with sweet families.

If you want to follow along on this separate journey (or you’re local and want more information!), you can follow me:

  1. on Instagram at @angelacochranphotography
  2. on Facebook here
  3. my website 

Thanks for sticking with me during this new adventure and I have LOTS to share with you here this winter! We’ve been up to some house projects and you’re gonna LOVEEE them!


I Love Finding

pretty things

Finding pretty things via online shopping during naptime is honestly one of my favorite hobbies. The dress that would be perfect for your family photo session, or kids clothing that isn't crayon colors with characters all over it, affordable home decor that'll brighten up your home and make your heart happy you live there, or comfy cute clothes that makes you feel like a put together girl with little effort. 

You'll find a little of all of that here and more. I make a little commission off these items so thanks for shopping through these links and allowing me to help support my family.

Take me to the prettiness!